Monday, 27 March 2023

Nobel Prize in Economic Science

The Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences is one of the most prestigious awards in the field of economics. It was first awarded in 1969 and is often referred to as the Nobel Prize in Economics. Here is a list of all the Nobel laureates in economics since its inception:

  1. 1969 - Ragnar Frisch (Norway) and Jan Tinbergen (Netherlands)
  2. 1970 - Paul Samuelson (USA)
  3. 1971 - Simon Kuznets (USA)
  4. 1972 - John Hicks (UK) and Kenneth Arrow (USA)
  5. 1973 - Wassily Leontief (USA)
  6. 1974 - Gunnar Myrdal (Sweden) and Friedrich Hayek (UK)
  7. 1975 - Leonid Kantorovich (USSR) and Tjalling Koopmans (USA)
  8. 1976 - Milton Friedman (USA)
  9. 1977 - Bertil Ohlin (Sweden) and James Meade (UK)
  10. 1978 - Herbert Simon (USA)
  11. 1979 - Theodore Schultz (USA) and Arthur Lewis (UK)
  12. 1980 - Lawrence Klein (USA)
  13. 1981 - James Tobin (USA)
  14. 1982 - George Stigler (USA) and Gérard Debreu (France)
  15. 1983 - Gérard Debreu (France)
  16. 1984 - Richard Stone (UK)
  17. 1985 - Franco Modigliani (USA)
  18. 1986 - James Buchanan (USA)
  19. 1987 - Robert Solow (USA)
  20. 1988 - Maurice Allais (France)
  21. 1989 - Trygve Haavelmo (Norway)
  22. 1990 - Harry Markowitz, Merton Miller and William Sharpe (USA)
  23. 1991 - Ronald Coase (UK)
  24. 1992 - Gary Becker (USA)
  25. 1993 - Robert Fogel and Douglass North (USA)
  26. 1994 - John Harsanyi, John Nash and Reinhard Selten (USA, Hungary, Germany)
  27. 1995 - Robert Lucas (USA)
  28. 1996 - James Mirrlees and William Vickrey (UK, USA)
  29. 1997 - Robert Merton and Myron Scholes (USA)
  30. 1998 - Amartya Sen (India)
  31. 1999 - Robert Mundell (Canada)
  32. 2000 - James Heckman and Daniel McFadden (USA)
  33. 2001 - George Akerlof, Michael Spence and Joseph Stiglitz (USA)
  34. 2002 - Daniel Kahneman (USA) and Vernon Smith (USA)
  35. 2003 - Robert Engle and Clive Granger (USA, UK)
  36. 2004 - Finn Kydland (Norway) and Edward Prescott (USA)
  37. 2005 - Thomas Schelling (USA) and Robert Aumann (Israel)
  38. 2006 - Edmund Phelps (USA)
  39. 2007 - Leonid Hurwicz, Eric Maskin and Roger Myerson (USA)
  40. 2008 - Paul Krugman (USA)
  41. 2009 - Elinor Ostrom (USA) and Oliver Williamson (USA)
  42. 2010 - Peter Diamond, Dale Mortensen and Christopher Pissarides (USA, UK)
  43. 2011 - Thomas Sargent and Christopher Sims (USA)
  44. 2012 - Alvin Roth and Lloyd Shapley (USA)
  45. 2013 - Eugene Fama, Lars Peter Hansen and Robert Shiller (USA)
  46. 2014 - Jean Tirole (France)
  47. 2015 - Angus Deaton (UK)
  48. 2016 - Oliver Hart and Bengt Holmström (UK, Finland)
  49. 2017 - Richard Thaler (USA)
  50. 2018 - William Nordhaus and Paul Romer (USA)
  51. 2019 - Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo and Michael Kremer (India, USA)
  52. 2020 - Paul Milgrom and Robert Wilson (USA)
  53. 2021-David Card, Joshua Angrist and Guido Imbens
  54. 2022-Ben Bernanke, Douglas Diamond and Philip Dybvig,

The Nobel laureates in economics have made significant contributions to the field of economics.

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